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The quest for knowledge remains the most profound and noblest desire man can persue. Being one of the chapions in the provision of education to Cameroonians, the PCC is once again called to duty to spread its tentacles in the area of Higher Education more than ever before through the creation of a Christian University in Cameroon. On her part, the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon believes that it is time for such inovation to take place. In the words of the Rt. Rev. Dr. Nyansako-ni-Nku, current Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon, he says: ... We believe that the core values of the Christian faith are essential ingredients that can play a fundamental role in character formation and eventually lead to social transformation.In his final words, he commends the great work put forth by members of the Committee for the Creation of a Christian University (CEPU). and acknowledges the many hours of long meetings they have put in. Mission StatementThe Cameroon Christian University will pursue unfettered knowledge through teaching and research and provide service to humanity predicated on the core values of the Christian faith. The University is committed to produce life-long learners equipped to face the chalenges of the present millenium by educational principles that underscore innovative thinking, problem-solving and efficiency. Programmes of the University are driven by a commitment to quality,excellence, relevance and sustainability. Graduates of the Cameroon Christian University are expected to be worthy in learning and character, therefore able to make a difference for the better in society in terms of dedication and probity. Principles of accountability, efficiency and efficacy will underpin the governance of the University. BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND RATIONALEThe Presbyterian Church in Cameroon (PCC) believes that "the fear of the Lord is the begining of Wisdom". Consequently, in her evangelistic mission, the PCC gives pride of place to the education of the public. As far back as 1949, the PCC created the Cameroon Protestant College (CPC) in Bali, which over the years has trained generations of Cameroonian leaders and intellectuals. Currently, the Church owns twenty-three (23) Nursery schools, one hundred and twenty-two (122) Primary schools, fourteen (14) secondary schools, one (1) teachers Training College, and one (1) Theological Seminary.The PCC is a stakeholder of the Faculty of Pretestant Theology in Yaounde. Graduates of PCC schools have emerged as leaders and intelectuals who in the practice of the various professions have continued to reflect the virtues of the Christian gospel, thereby strengthening the church. In the third millenium where knowledge has become a determining factor for socio-economic growth, the PCC cannot be satisfied with its involvement in primary and secondary education alone, but must move on to higher education, the main seat of innovation. Cognizant of the imperitives posedby the Knowledge-Society and responding to the request of the Bali Old Boys Association (which groups the alumni of CPC) the Moderator of the PCC the Rt. Rev. Dr. Nyansako-nu-Nku declared during the celebration of the centenary anniversary of the PCC's autonomy in Bali that the PCC was going to create a University at CPC. Subsequently, the Synod of PCC confirmed this declaration by setting up a "Committee for the Establishment of a Presbyterian University" to reflect on the ways and means of realizing the University project. One of the major impediments to the socio-economic development of African coutries, including Cameroon is corruption, whose roots have deepened in recent years with increasing globalization and secularization. It has been recognized that education without morality cannot produce the agents of change that are needed to transform our societies to greater atainments in material well-being, democracy and social cohesion. In Cameroon the concept of the separation of the state and church has led to the exclusion of religious studies in all state schools and Universities. This means that a crop of our citizens will not be exposed to the moral issues which the gospel expounds as they make the critical transition from adolescence to adult-hood. Clearly the church's commitment to spread the gospel to all justifies its engagement in education at all levels. The Cameroon Christian University will address the felt-need for university education with a moral core to produce enlightened Christain Graduates who through their lives and work will bear witnesses to the gospel wherever they may be. Although public and secular private institutions of higher eduaction abound (6 state universities, 2 confessional universities, 33 private higher institutions of higher learning in 2006) they do not cover all the disciplines that many young Cameroonians travel abroad for, nor do they lay enough emphasis on the application of knowledge to seek solutions to our practical problems. The few profession schools that exist are highly selective with limmitted enrolments. for example, the lone Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences admits onlyabout 80 trainees into medicine per annum out of about 3000 qualified candidates. For Cameroon, a country of about 16 million inhabitants the United Nations Millenium Development Goals require the training of about 475 doctors annually in the next twenty years to meet with the health needs of the population. Similarly, the enrolments at the School of Engineering are highly restricted. Even programmes in the highly sought after social sciences like Management, Business Administration, Accountancy, Banking and Finance do not have enough openings for all those who would like to study them. The Cameroon Christian University will target these disciplines that are inadequately represented in public institutions, but which directly lead to the world of work without neglecting, however, relevant disciplines of Humanities, Information Science and Technology. Althought the Cameroon Christian Univeersity will fundamentally exist to provide a public service in witness of the transforming mission of Christian faith, it will also be able to generate sifficient income to sustain itself as a non-profit-making organization. Based on what has been stated above there are both moral, and socio-economic reasons for the creation of the CCU. The University proposes to train graduates who will make a difference in national development endeavours by their moral probity and dedication to work. The present project proposal articulates the Rationale, Objectives, Work Plan, and Budget of the University project. The in formation you have just read is not a manifesto or statute of the University. Rather, it is a general information on the process, which should lead to the establishment of the University. OBJECTIVESGenerally speaking all information presented about CEPU and the creation of the Cameroon Christian University simply articulates step which shall be followed to establishing the said University as a corporate body, enganged in the creation, transmission and conservation of knowledge through teaching, research and service to the community.PROJECT DESCRIPTIONBenefitiariesAll persons who qualify to follow university eduation will be eligible to study at the CCU. There shall, therefore, be no discrimination on account of sex, religion, race, tribe, or ethnic group.Many Cameroonians would like their children to study in Christian establishments. This is borne out by the high enrolments in desnominational secondary schools despite the relatively high fees charged. Strategy: Development vision of projected schoolsIt is envisage that the university will start with disciplines that are useful, imprtant and less demanding in terms of resources along with professional disciplines that will satisfy job-market needs as well as provide income for some of the essential running cost. In this respect, the university in its first phase of development will comprise four Schools (or Faculties) as follows: Phase i
Phase iiPhase two involves the consolidation of the four schools of phase 1 and the introduction of a SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, PHARMACY AND HEALTH SCIENCES (SMEPHS) after adequate academic, professional and financial preparations, given that the school is resource demanding. This will lead to the autonomy of the school of Fundamental Sciences (SOFS) as a separate school or faculty. Phase iiiIn addition to the five schools of Phase II, the SCHOOL OF AGRONOMY AND VETERINARY MEDICINE (SAVEM) will come into effect at this time. If need be, schools in phases II and III could be interchanged with no significant consequences; i.e. SAVEM can be started before SMEPHS if it is more practicable and feasible to do so. Phase ivThis phase encodes the split of the School of Arts and Social Sciences (SASS) and the School of Business and Management Sciences (SOBMAS) with Journalism and Mass Communication based in the latter to be split later (in phase v). This phase (i.e. the split) is conceptual and notional but in practice can take place earlier, concomitantly with the introduction of the other schools if conditions for the introduction of the other schools if conditions for the split are satisfied and other relevant requirements met. Phase vThis phase encodes the possibility of adding any number of Schools as deemed necessary (e.g Journalism and Mass Communication, Education etc.) or further effecting a split of schools that might have become too large (e.g separating Pharmacy and Health Sciences from Medicine, or Arts from Social Sciences etc.). The Diagrammatic projection of the CCU vission is presented bellow. You can also follow the suggested Tentative Degree and Diploma Programmes outlined on our programme listingNote however, that modifications are expected in due course with a judicious consideration of relevant vaiables. KEY SECTORAL POLICIESThere is a broad consensus at the international, regional and national levels that a vibrant higher education sector is an indispensable enabling factor for the socio-economic development of the African continent as a whole, as well as for poverty reduction in individual African countries. This view is recurrent in a variety of policy instruments of authoritative organizations, some of which are cited herein. International and regional policies "Progress in science makes the role of universities particularly important in the promotion and modernization of science teaching and its coordination at all levels of education. In all countries and in particular developing countries there is a need to strengthen scienctific research in higher education, including post graduate programmes, taking into account national priorities".1 Thus the expansion of higher education particularly in scientific and technical disciplines is believed to correlate well with the developmental status of countries. As indicated in a recent World Bank sstudy, in the OECD countries, which group the top 28 economically advanced coutries, higher education enrolments stood at 61% of eligible candidates in contrast to 21% and 6% respectively for medium income and development countries2 Regional policy instruments in Africa have recognized and called for a revitalization of African Universities. NEPAD, the New African Partnership for Africa's Development (which is an arm of the African Union) has identified capacity building as a key element in its developmental strategy. Not only is there a call for the creation of centres of excelence in scientific and technical disciplines, but also a drive to inculcate the culture of peace and good governance, which underscore the need for the growth of the humanities in African universities as well. Recently, the Commission for Africa that was initiated by British Prime Minister - Tony Blair, published an action plan for a strong and prosperous Africa entitled "Our Common Interest". Recognizing the key role of high quality labour force in all development efforts, the Commission for Africa calls for a massive infusion of2.5 billion USD to revitalize African universities and create centers for excellence to address priority questions of relevance to Africa's renaissance. The Commission's recommendation tacitly underscores the lamentable state of African universities, which are under-funded, under-staffed, poorly equipped and for the most partpoorly managed. The need for a new type of university that is predicated on relevance, efficiency and high moral values is clearly indicated. The Cameroon Christian University aspires to respond to this need. The Church's Policy The Cameroon Goverment Policies Government policies recognize and encourage the participation of religious bodies in the training of Cameroonian youths. In fact law No.2001/005 of 16th April 2001 on the Orientation of Higher Education and Decree No.2001/832/PM pf 19th September 2001 on Private higher education like the envisaged Cameroon Christian University. Not only do the laws of Cameroon allow for the creation of private universities, they provide a framework for mentoring and quality assurance of the young institutions in order to ensure high standards. Endorsed: Synod Committee |